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Laser Gum Therapy

Studies show that nearly three in every four Americans suffer from debilitating gum disease. It’s called periodontal disease, and it begins with bacteria growing around the teeth. This causes infection, triggering the body’s inflammatory response. This soon leads to the destruction of the gum and bone around the teeth. According to Laser Gum Therapy In Houston if gum disease is left untreated, it can cause loose teeth, exposed roots, bad breath, bleeding, swelling, pain…and eventually the loss of your teeth. In fact, gum disease is one of the leading causes of tooth loss in adults.

While most people associate gum disease with oral health, recent studies have proven that it affects your entire body. The infected gums provide a path for bacteria to enter the bloodstream, carrying infection throughout the entire body. This increases your risk of heart disease and stroke. Gum disease is now believed to be a significant linking factor to heart disease. It is considered to have the same degree of impact on your heart as high cholesterol, obesity, and smoking.

Understanding Gum Disease

Before delving into Laser Gum Therapy, it’s essential to understand what gum disease is and why it is a matter of concern. Gum disease is an infection of the gum tissues that support the teeth. It typically begins with gingivitis, a mild form of the disease characterized by red, swollen gums that may bleed during brushing or flossing. If left untreated, gingivitis can progress to a more severe form of gum disease known as periodontitis.

Periodontitis is a serious condition where the infection reaches deeper into the supporting structures of the teeth, including the bone. This can lead to gum recession, the formation of periodontal pockets, and, ultimately, tooth loss. Additionally, gum disease has been linked to systemic health issues, including heart disease, diabetes, and respiratory problems.

Traditional Gum Disease Treatment

Aura Dental offers Laser Gum Therapy In Houston the treatment for gum disease involved surgical procedures such as scaling and root planing, commonly known as a deep cleaning, or flap surgery to remove infected tissue and reduce pocket depth. While these methods are effective, they can be invasive, causing discomfort and requiring extended recovery periods.

The Revolutionary Approach: Laser Gum Therapy

Laser Gum Therapy, also known as laser-assisted periodontal therapy or LANAP (Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure), is a cutting-edge approach to treating gum disease. Aura Dental employs this innovative technique to provide patients with a less invasive, more comfortable, and highly effective treatment option.

Key Benefits of Laser Gum Therapy

Minimally Invasive: Aura Dental offers Laser Gum Therapy In Houston is minimally invasive, reducing the need for traditional gum surgery. The procedure involves the use of a dental laser that specifically targets and removes infected gum tissue while leaving healthy tissue intact. This results in less pain, minimal bleeding, and a quicker recovery.

Reduced Discomfort: Patients who undergo Laser Gum Therapy report significantly less pain and discomfort compared to traditional surgical methods. The laser seals blood vessels and nerve endings as it works, reducing post-operative pain and the need for anesthesia.

Faster Healing: Traditional gum surgery often requires a more extended recovery period. With Laser Gum Therapy In Houston, the recovery time is significantly reduced, allowing patients to return to their daily routines more quickly.

Preservation of Healthy Tissue: Laser Gum Therapy is precise and selective, targeting only the infected tissue while leaving healthy gums and tooth structures intact. This preservation of healthy tissue is crucial for maintaining a strong and stable foundation for the teeth.

Enhanced Periodontal Regeneration: Aura Dental offers Laser Gum Therapy In Houston has shown promising results in stimulating the regeneration of damaged bone and tissue. This can help restore lost support for teeth, promoting better long-term outcomes.

Minimal Disruption: Patients can usually resume their regular activities immediately after the procedure. The minimally invasive nature of Laser Gum Therapy allows for minimal disruption to daily life.

The Laser Gum Therapy In Houston Process

  1. Diagnosis: The first step is a comprehensive examination by a trained dentist at Aura Dental offers Laser Gum Therapy In Houston to determine the extent and severity of gum disease. This assessment helps in determining if Laser Gum Therapy is the right treatment for the patient.
  2. Laser Treatment: During the procedure, a dental laser is used to remove infected gum tissue and bacteria from the affected areas. The laser’s precision ensures minimal damage to healthy tissue while effectively eradicating the infection.
  3. Removal of Calculus: After the laser treatment, any remaining calculus (hardened plaque) is removed from the teeth, and the root surfaces are carefully cleaned to promote the reattachment of healthy gum tissue.
  4. Collagen Compression: In some cases, collagen may be applied to the treated areas to aid in tissue regeneration and gum reattachment.
  5. Monitoring and Maintenance: Post-treatment, regular follow-up appointments with the dentist are essential to monitor progress and maintain gum health. Good oral hygiene practices, such as brushing and flossing, are crucial for long-term success.

Aura Dental is a groundbreaking approach to treating gum disease that offers numerous advantages over traditional methods. It is minimally invasive, less painful, and leads to faster healing. With its ability to preserve healthy tissue, stimulate periodontal regeneration, and provide minimal disruption to daily life, Laser Gum Therapy has quickly become a preferred option for those seeking to improve their gum health.

If you are dealing with gum disease or suspect that you might be, consult with Aura Dental to explore the possibility of as a modern, effective, and patient-friendly solution. Your journey to healthier gums and a brighter smile begins with the advanced technology and expertise offered by Aura Dental.